1. Swim Paddles. The kind that help you with your hand water entry form. A guy I work with who also swims at my pool let me try his one day, and they were super fun.
2. This sweatshirt:
Or really, anything from Victoria's Secret PINK. I know it's sororityish, but their sweats and t-shirts are so freaking comfortable! I love to throw on my neon green PINK sweatpants to head to the pool. Especially in the winter. And I love that they have KU stuff.
3. Moccasins:
They don't necessarily have to be UGGs, but I'm looking for warm slip-on type shoes to wear to and from the pool in the winter. And I'm partial to cute colors.
4. Ipad. He's heard enough about this. That's all I'm going to say.
5. Clipless pedals. I know nothing about these, but if they come in pink, that would be cool.
6. These sunglasses:
7. A giant tube of this:
I'm not really sure how I survived normal life without this. I don't care if it is infused with fetal pig stem cells, I would ingest it if I thought I needed to. My number one use is for razor burn. My go to tri girl, Hillary, brought this to my attention. I dug through Patrick's old tri bag, looking for a free sample of this stuff, and I have been hooked ever since. I also smear it on my feet before a long run. I like to run without socks, and this stuff really stays in place over the course of 8 miles. No blisters for this girl. I'm half convinced this stuff might cure stretchmarks, but I don't want to waste it trying.
8. And to go ahead and put my weirdness out there completely, I really want to try this stuff:
So there you go universe, that's my Christmas wishlist as of September 29th...