Thursday, January 20, 2011

The New Gym (ahem, Health Club?): Pros vs. Cons


1. Longer childwatch hours
This is the biggest pro in my house.  Patrick and I have had trouble scheduling our workouts around the YMCA's ever-shrinking childwatch program. 

2. An in-house spa! (see cons, below)

3.  An in-house cafe! (again, see below)

4.  The indoor track.
The YMCA's indoor track is1/16th of a mile, carpeted, and really just a path to get to the locker rooms.  This is a real track with lanes, and it's 1/8th a mile. 

5.  So far, the pool has been pretty empty.   Not even a lifeguard around to silently laugh at me.  This is a big issue of mine. 

6.  The locker rooms are nicer than most hotels that I stay at.  Sauna, steam room, jacuzzi, free shampoo, free conditioner, free body wash, and FREE Q-TIPS.  This, my friends, is a blessing for those of us prone to swimmers ear.

7.  The childwatch has a three story climbing area (Think Monkey Business on a smaller scale), a half court basketball area, and a craft area.  (Possible con, kids don't want to leave).

8.  In the summer, OUTDOOR salt water pool.  Huge pro with me.


1. Further away.  Still in Olathe, but a 10-15 minute drive, instead of 5 minutes to the YMCA.

2.  The childwatch doesn't change baby's diapers.  They page you to come and do it yourself (What?).

3. They have an in-house spa and cafe.  This could get pricey.

4.  The fancy keypads on the wooden lockers are more complicated than I anticipated.  I wandered around the office area in a wet swimming suit for quite some time, looking for someone who could unlock my locker for me. 

5.  The clientele are quite a bit more upscale than the good old YMCA.  I'm going to have to invest in some cuter gym clothes...

6.  My kids also seem to be a bit under dressed.  On the upside, a childwatch worker came to me today as I was putting on my kids' Wal-mart coats, and told me they were the only two kiddos (out of at least 20 or so) who helped her pick up toys when she asked.  I guess size 4 Northface coats and mini Ugg boots don't necessarily make for well-behaved kids. (I wouldn't mind finding a pair of those Ugg's second-hand, though.)

If anyone's curious, we're really not paying that much more for this fancy-schmancy place.  With the cop discount, it's only about 20 dollars more per month.  Considering the amount of money I anticipate saving this summer for the outdoor pool use, it should even out pretty nicely.

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